CB quizzes Naeem Akhtar

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SRINAGAR, July 21: The Crime Branch has questioned PDP leader Naeem Akhtar over alleged irregularities committed during his tenure as Public W orks Minister in allotment of contracts for the J-K Projects Construction Corporation (JKPCC), officials said today.
The former Minister has, however, denied any wrongdoing and said he has cooperated with police officials.
“I am sure that truth will prevail. I have done nothing wrong and all due processes were followed,” Akhtar said here.
The officials said Akhtar was questioned at his residence about giving out work at JKPCC to a specific set of contractors and making some appointments without following the due process.
The questioning revolved around JKPCC work, construction work at the Islamic University in south Kashmir and allotment of work for setting up the AIIMS in south Kashmir, they said.
It is alleged that the contracts were given to such people who had no experience in construction work and had floated companies barely a few days before the tendering process was initiated, the officials said.
The investigation was also into the air-conditioning work of the Health Department, they said.
“I have answered all the questions and clarified the matter. I am sure that the matter is sorted out. I have full faith in judiciary,” PDP leader Akhtar said. (PTI)