Fight against drug abuse

It is requested to all the citizens of the country in general and Judges, lawyers, educationist, intellectuals, philosophers, psychologists, doctors, engineers, religious teachers, Panches, Sarpanches, Corporators, MLCs, MLAs, MPs, Ministers, bureaucrats in particular alongwith Police department, Education department, Excise department, Drugs Control department and all the other concerning departments to help in eradicating the Drug abuse a social evil and menace. Collectively we can do the job. It is a right time to ban the drug abuse in the State and the country as well. For this purpose Governments at State and Central level are requested to make laws to ban the menace of drugs to save the youths of the country from the abuse of drugs.
A campaign be started to aware the youths that the drugs (Nasha) are weakening the basic structure of the society and all the evils are due to addiction of drugs. Terror organisations are making use of this weapon (drugs) and misguiding the youths for antinational and anti-human activities. Drugs spoils the health and financially weakens the individual addicted. Therefore, it is our moral duty to check on the menace of drugs and should help out them who are addicted.
Pt Chaman Lal Sharma
Bhour Camp (Jammu)