
Sunday July 28-2019

Aries : You may find yourself in a precarious position today, says Ganesha. You may feel challenged and swim against the current, which will be counterproductive. Nothing may seem to work out. Taking a break will ease the stress at such a time.

Taurus : You are likely to be mentally alert and watchful today, says Ganesha. Creativity will run through your veins no matter what you attempt. You may dabble in performing arts, designing, graphics or special effects. Your charm will play Pied Piper to the opposite gender today.

Gemini : You will spend the day safeguarding sentiments of others and it is in your own interest. For most part of the day, probably the entire day, you will be away from your family, mostly on a trip for business or leisure purposes. Today, having a successful career will be only thing on your mind.

Cancer : You are a master of deception, and your sugar-coated comments play a pivotal role in your methods. Today, you will be able to smell trouble from a distance, and will know when to take a U-turn. Your methods may not make you very popular with the so-called moral brigade working with you, but you may think that this is the easiest way to the top. Ganesha, however, is not too sure that these tactics will work on a long-term basis.

Leo : Chess is a good start, but it is nothing compared to the strategic intrigues of your day today. Arguments will lead to further arguments, and nowhere else, reminds Ganesha. So, it only makes sense to counter a disagreement with an agreement. But then again, total agreement is doubly secretive. At the end of the day, all that matters is to get people to agree with you, even if it means having to eat humble pie in the beginning. Confused? Well, don’t be. Just remember that you shall have the last laugh, says Ganesha.

Virgo : You will shine exceedingly well in all the activities that you undertake today. Your dream of starting business operations on foreign shores will fructify today, says Ganesha. You may pay more attention to your personal appearance, which will boost your morale considerably.

Libra : Call it your generous side, but today is the perfect day to give back to all those from whom you have received so far. With roots set firmly in community service, it might do you well to extend that helping hand and return something back to them, preferably in the double. Go along with the spirit of an early thanksgiving today. Ganesha reminds you that giving is always more fulfilling than receiving. May today be a fulfilling day for you!

Scorpio : Being a workaholic may divert your attention from your family and you may have to bear the consequences. It’s time to sort differences with your spouse. But, all this while, you need to be calm and patient. Watch your words in case of any arguments, warns Ganesha.

Sagittarius : It’s time for invitations and grooving all night long. And even eat like a glutton. But, for a change you are not on a mood to party, though it is unlike you. You reject the idea of socialising and hitting the dance floor. And your friends do not like your changed avatar, says Ganesha.

Capricorn : You may have sweated your guts out for an opportunity to pursue higher studies abroad, and met with disappointment. Try again today, advises Ganesha. For those of you engaged in speculation, transaction in stock and shares is likely and may fetch substantial gains. Opportunities galore, but you won’t progress until you exploit them to the best of your interest.

Aquarius : Work, work, work! That is what will pay rich dividends. Of course, a pat on the back does matter, and with your commitment record, you may be getting a lot of it! You may back off from taking risks, and yet want change. Ganesha wonders how you will fulfill your wish.

Pisces : Arguments lead nowhere, and why argue when, at the end of the day, you can step back and watch them end up with egg on their faces, break a leg, get crushed under a falling safe, or otherwise suffer the numerous disasters you wish them to, for disagreeing with you. You will end up having the last laugh, so you might as well use your time more effectively, says Ganesha.