“My fight is not against media but people who oppose the nation”

Bollywood ‘Queen’ Kanagana Ranaut few days ago was caught in a controversy after having a spat with a journalist during the promotions of her upcoming movie Judgementall Hai Kya. Even after a media-ban getting imposed on her by Entertainment Journalists’ Guild of India, few media interviewed Kangana for the film which is set to release on July 26.
How do you react to the media-ban?
It is very important to have a valid reason behind a ban. Imposing one’s own ideology on others is not right. One section of media is against me because I raised voice against certain people. That section of media which always tries to portray me as a zombie. I am happy about the fact that the particular section of media is not writing about me. But it is not right to impose that ideology on others.
But is it good to term the entire media as “termites”?
No, I said there are people like termites in every profession. My fight is not against the media but people who always behave like a foreigner and opposes the Indian things. There is a section of media who had trolled me for my native background and inability to speak English. I don’t know why everyone is thinking that I am against the entire media. My friends in media who always help me are much more in number than the ones who are against me.
What is in your mind right now after all of these?
There is nothing like this. I carry these things. I don’t consider people as journalists who troll me. They are professional trolls. I think there must be certain criteria to become a journalist. A journalist must also have responsibility. Not only journalists, I also used to scold my close people whom I find making fun of important national issues. I don’t mind the trolls about me but about nation or matters of national importance or martyrs.
Now do you introspect and in retrospect think that you could have handled the situation in a different way?
I feel like my life is predestined. I feel there are few people who choose me and come nearer me. But I am not a kind of person who will call out those people after the film gets released. Calling out people as per one’s convenience is a fraudulent behaviour.
Are you judgemental about co-stars?
No I am not a judgemental person at all. Sometimes I don’t react to things because I don’t want my directors or co-stars to anticipate any problem due to me. In those occasions I like to keep my directors, co-actors at ease. I look after the thing that those people do not feel intimidated by me. (TWF)