The increasing smoking craving

The data released by the concerned agencies in respect of adopting the puff as a routine habit by the younger generation in the State , especially the females , reveals something which must cause concern. However, the break-up of the data in respect of the three regions of the State is not available but even on the overall compiled data, there is perceptible spurt in the number of smokers. Tobacco and cigarettes are the two common ways of smoking and that the vulnerable age group of 15 – 17 years voluntarily walking into the smoke trap, must rattle the parents more than the teachers, relatives and others in preferential order.
We know the craving for devastating drugs and narcotic substances in the entire State is on the increase as seemingly the Government apparatus is either still not fully geared up to tackle the menace effectively or it has other priorities to attend to than securing the future of this country – the youth. We have been, of and on, highlighting the issue especially in the light of sale and procuring drugs spreading its tentacles menacingly across the State. Now, the urge to smoke is something where it could generally be felt that more than the State, it was the duty of the parents and the immediate relatives to see that their children did not get lured to the puff as the urge then, would turn into a habit , very difficult to bid adieu later.
Tobacco, as we know, has an addictive substance known as Nicotine and once one gets slightly used to it, carving for it is triggered making it very difficult for the smoker to quit it. Imagine the extent of damage caused by it gradually and when the teen aged become smokers, what would be the State of affairs of their health at a stage when they naturally head towards entering into a youthful group considered to be physically and mentally strongest and a huge potential national human resource . In addition to damaging health, the economic drain too is to be suffered by the individuals and the affected families taking into account, the money spent on buying tobacco and cigarettes and the medicinal expenses in curing the short term and long term diseases due to smoking.
The increasing trend to opt for the smoke among women is a matter which has repercussions bringing in its wake, telling effects on the smoker, the family and the offspring when getting married on the premise, that the habit becoming more or less an addiction as leaving smoking entails imbalance in nicotine levels unless the smoker willing to stop smoking used nicotine replacement therapy. Strong will, counselling, awareness about the ills of smoking, avoiding seclusion and loneliness, watch and vigil by parents and immediate relatives, healthy and nutritious diet , non lethargic way of living etc are some of the measures which could help in resolving the issue and quitting smoking.
The problem and the solution to it could not be one sided only in the sense focussing only on smokers who have craved the puff for some time but those who still are unscathed and untouched by the sweet poison of nicotine . National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) must focus on and attend to those who either are going to fall in line or have yet not experienced smoking in that at least, the vast group could be persuaded not to go in for smoking and causing to themselves damaging of lungs, kidneys, heart , brain etc as during increased awareness drive, these vital health issues were necessary to be discussed to an extent of even creating a health scare in the minds of the non smoker groups but likely to be on the other side. Parents who shirk their responsibilities or indulge in over pampering and allowing loose and uncontrolled bridles in keeping their sons and daughters on the right track, repent only when it is too late for them.