Crumbling building

Sirinder village of North Kashmir’s Bandipora district was slated to get health centre in a freshly constructed building but the proverbial ‘first venture, first loss’ set in here and before that could happen, the new building has developed cracks and gaps to such an extent that it is on the verge of collapse. A typical case of “Chalta Hai” syndrome which has led to such a hopelessly weak levels of construction but which needs immediate attention of the state administration.
It is good that the agency which constructed this building got exposed before it could have caused any harm to the visiting patients, their care takers and the medical staff had this all happened after the building was formally handed over to the Health Department. The usual ‘inputs’ gathered have revolved around the same lack of funds and the resultant incomplete building. Health Department had deputed its staff in the same building to ‘prevent misuse’ by some people and within three months of the shifting , the building has started crumbling and disintegrating. The entire matter warrants proper action by the concerned state authorities .