CEC kick starts construction of Sumdha-Chenmo road

CEC Gyal Wangyal laying foundation stone for the construction of Sumdha-Chenmo road.
CEC Gyal Wangyal laying foundation stone for the construction of Sumdha-Chenmo road.

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Aug 3: CEC Gyal P Wangyal today laid the foundation stone for the construction of 10 kilometer Sumdha-Chenmo road at Rongdo (Sumdha Chuoon) which will be completed within three years by spending Rs 7.88 crores under Central Road Fund (CRF).
While speaking, Gyal Wangyal said that opening of this road would provide a new developmental opportunity to the people besides improving their day to day life. CEC said that people of this village have gone through severe problems owing to non availability of road during the past 70 years of independence, and keeping  this in mind, the present Council would leave no stone unturned to complete the road within the time frame.
He also informed the people that electricity would also reach Sumdha Chenmo simultaneously with the road which would play a big role in constant improvement of their lifestyle.
Councilor of the area Sonam Norbu, EC Agri. Phuntsog Stanzin, EC Education, Konchok Stanzin, ES PWD Pawan Sharma, BDO Padma Angmo, E-xen and Engineers of PWD, Panchayat members of surrounding areas and the people of Sumdha Chenmo were also present.
Later, CEC also visited Sumdha Chuoon and met the people. He listened to them and assured to address their genuine problems in a phased manner.