Sexual assaults

The heart breaks into pieces when one learns about the incidents which make the entire society ashamed. In an unbridled society, such happenings aren’t unlikely to occur. The educational system where no moral values are taught among our youngesters, is largely responsible for all such evils. Sexual assaults are black spots on our civilisation. It is totally a disgraceful and humilitating affair, that a female sex suffers. The stigma attached, keeps one affected till she lives and moves on this earth. It is not only moral degradation but also reflects how law and order prevails and is implemented.
If deterrent punishments are inflicted on such wrong doers, the graph of crimes of such nature can be reduced considerably. In big cities and towns, where population is huge and uncontrollable, cases of rapes are reported on every day making everyone shocked. Moral turpitude starts from a single family, till it engulfs the whole society. Nipping the evil in the bud is always good, but when the laws aren’t executed in spirit and letters, the objectives beyond such laws are defeated.It is only fear that makes one to move on a right path. Fear of law and fear of God make one shun such habits. Moral education and strict implementation of the rules can surely minimise the graph of such crimes. Therefore, any law to protect our fair sex from such crimes is considered inadequate if the hunour and dignity, they deserve in any society, needs to be maintained.
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)