inner voice


A babe of unique characteristics,
Distinct from my earlier one
She looked curiously at the birds,
Hopping in the backyard
Fiddling with the toys around,
She revealed her interest,
Committing mischief, she bought the attention
Of all in-mates around,
Away at school,
She proved a child,
Of immense wit and humour,
She won the hearts,
Of her pedagogues,
With her puckish nature,
Playful and sporty,
She took pleasure in physical display,
Cricket, badminton, table tennis,
Were the games of her taste,
She argued at home,
Varied topics,
She never felt weary of,
A child of such a stature
Is sure to gain in life,
Perform things of repute,
Of adventure and enterprise
Ashiq Hussain Rather



You are not human
If you don’t know what’s humanity
Have compassion, sympathy, love
The aromatic ingredients
to be a human
But where’s the aroma
You’r stinking of filth
rape, murder, extortion
that’s what you are stinking of
That girl in alley, on the road, at home
voiceless, deaden, broken
who is responsible; only you
Shamefully you and you
Be afraid of this beast
beware home sapiens
from home sapiens
Vaishali Sharma



It comes like a guest,
It goes when it wishes,
It comes on fluttering to the ground,
and goes up in a melodious breeze.
The rain is self depended,
Where to go and what time to go,
It travels in each and every
part of the world,
and goes on exploring new
places one by one,
It gives happiness to all,
but stops the game of bat ball,
It provides both to trees and plants,
and gives joy to every animal from peacock to frog.
We enjoy our rain, eating pakodas,
and peacock enjoys by
dancing in streets.
The flower bloom out,
and leaves become green,
Rain gives happiness
like a beautiful dream,
No wonder when it comes,
No wonder when it goes,
No wonder when our
umbrellas will open or close,
You come and bring
happiness on every face,
From having behind
everything we will enjoy, you rain.
Come every year and bring
more happiness and fame.
Aryan Dubey
Heritage School