Measures to fight ‘degraded land’

It is a matter of concern that nearly 30 per cent of India’s land is degraded and the need is to take it as a challenge on national level . It is heartening to learn that the Ministry of Environment has taken up the task of combating this defect by setting targets to neutralise the problem. It is not that there was the impediment of shortage of funds to treat and fix the problem but according to the top official of the Diversification Cell in Ministry of Environment, budgets available for land and water related schemes both in centre and states, were enough to resolve the problem.
The entire issue needs to be looked at it falling in priorities and a calculation in terms of benefits accruable once the treatment was done would change the mindset and the will of those who were otherwise required to accord preferred treatment to the problem. Better utilization of existing resources, generally speaking, produce unexpectedly better results. Those areas which are degraded could be better treated by conservation and efficient use of natural resources. Management of forests, land and water is very important not only for making available water for each and every area of the country but for the sustenance of life in the long run.