Congress condemns forbidding opposition to visit Kashmir

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Aug 24: Leaders of Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee and its sister organizations have strongly criticized the Government for not allowing the team of opposition leaders, led by Rahul Gandhi, to come out of Srinagar airport and to know about the ground situation there.
The senior Congress leaders said that on one hand both Centre and State Governments made repeated claims about normalcy in J&K while on the other hand they have declared the State out of bound for all mainstream leaders of the country except the ruling BJP.
This shows the mindset of the ruling class in Delhi and the un democratic style of the present regime who have not shown the little respect and regard for the tallest opposition leader ship of the country in a democracy, they alleged and reminded that on the contrary when Congress led UPA was in power at Centre and an unrest erupted in the State, the then Government itself arranged a delegation of all party delegation including BJP to visit the State and access the situation and brief the Parliament.
The signatory to the statement included JKPCC President G A Mir, Tara Chand, Madan Lal Sharma, Raman Bhalla, Mula Ram, Kanta Bhan, Ravinder Sharma, R S Chib, Suman Bhagat, Jughal Kishore, Aijaz Ahmad Khan, Balwan Singh, Prakash Sharma, Majeed Wani, A S Micky, Manmohan Singh, Yogesh Sahani, Balbir Singh and Subash Gupta.
Pradesh Youth Congress president Uday Chib strongly condemned the action of J&K Government and described it as most undemocratic. He also condemned manhandling with media persons.
Pradesh Mahila Congress president and former MLA Indu Pawar regretted that the Government was not allowing opposition leaders to visit Srinagar and thus trying to throttle dissent voices, which is not acceptable in a democracy.
Congress District Presidents Manjit Singh, Vikram Malhotra, Hari Singh Chib and Shabir Ahmed Khan said that in a democratic country like India, one can not imagine such treatment to opposition leaders in discharging their duty.
AICC Vichar Vibhag National Coordinator Ashok Sharma and Chairman OBC Wing of the JKPCC, Advocate Suresh Kumar Dogra also condemned the Government action.
Panthers Party chief patron, Prof Bhim Singh has also expressed his deep shock and anger on the `dictatorial’ and `condemnable’ treatment by J&K Police to the opposition leaders who landed at Srinagar airport. This has proven the kind of democracy and rule of law governing J&K under the President rule, he added and appealed to all national as well as regional parties all over India to condemn such kind of draconian treatment meted out to the opposition leaders.