Jammu and Kashmir of future

Col J P Singh
Ladakh and Kashmir as UTs and Jammu as a separate State in the offing, was doing rounds in social media amidst massive security forces deployment post suspension of Shri Amarnath Yatra. That raised Jammu’s expectations. Unanticipated bifurcation of J&K left Jammu nonplussed. Pakistan and China have internationalized the re-organisation by raising it in UN. Hence at the face of it, the bifurcation has not solved J&K imbroglio; rather complicated it. For us in Jammu, balance of power is still tilted towards the majority which hates minority. Jammu stands where it was before. That is why, perhaps, prime minister has promised partial roll-back when normalcy returns. Now that the law has come into force, best way forward, is to negotiate the power sharing arrangement.
One of the way to ensure balance of power justly is another re-organisation in which Southern Kashmir, should be a made a UT and the rest as J&K State. The idea behind suggested re-organisation is to get over the eternal hatred of majority for minority reflected in various actions, which are; (i) unceremonious exile of Dogra Ruler and not permitting even the Maharani to live in Jammu. (ii) during 1952-53 agitation, Jammu asking separation under the leadership of Pt Prem Nath Dogra, prompting Sheikh Abdullah, while addressing public meeting at R S Pura, to angrily retort, “take two and half districts and part-with” and after crossing Bannihal stopping his car, climbing over the close-by height and saying, “Bye-bye Jammu and spitting”. (iii) lopsided structure of state legislature empowered Kashmir politically forever. (iv) indiscriminate land reforms effecting Jammu farming community. (v) 5% employees in the Secretariat and about 20 % in the rest of the govt jobs when Jammu population is nearly the same. (vi) quest for ‘Greater Autonomy’ and ‘Self Rule’ unilaterally. (vii) indignities inflicted on Kashmiri Pandits and forcing them out at gun point (genocide) reflected hatred (plus) against Hindus. With this at the backdrop I wish to justify my argument.
Articles 370 and 35-A were the biggest hurdles in majority-minority equation, equality and justice. In their guise Mehbooba and Omar were challenging Delhi with impunity. They were provoking people to give their precious lives for their retention. Why were they putting innocent lives at the altar of sacrifice during Bakri Eid knowing well that human sacrifice is unacceptable to Allah. Were they not spreading hatred? If they were wise, they could have negotiated a Mufti Sayeed type deal and got a better deal from the Indian majority. Thank god that didn’t happen. Now is the time for Jammu to negotiate. Ironically Abdullah/Mufti dynasties will be consigned to the pages of history. Such are the imponderables of politics. I pity them. In nutshell 370 violated the principal of equality, endorsed gender discrimination, promoted hatred and jeopardized security. On top of that Kashmiriyat over-rode the secular agenda of the polity. To accept Kashmiriyat as a basis for special status was to devalue and diminish the other regional and ethnic identities. In other words it also meant that Kashmiris were superior to Dogras ie Rajputs, Brahmins, Sikhs, Poonchhis, Mirpuri, Gujjars, Bakarwals, Gaddis, Sipis and Ladakhis ie Buddhist, Bhutias, Dards and Christians. This had to change, and should change again and again, if India has to maintain its credibility as a social, secular and democratic republic that guarantees liberty, equality and security to all its citizens. Under the circumstances it is important to see pristine glory of Dogras, restore their identity and strengthen Dogriyat.
Since re-organisation is reversible, Jammu could be a separate state but how about the umbilical cord, ie its creation and rule by the Dogras. Hence an out of the box alternative is worth considering. South Kashmir, as stated above, can be identified and assigned for a Union Territory Status. World known tourist centers Gulmarg and Pehalgam can be added to it and rechristened as Srinagar UT. And the rest of the J&K be ‘State of Jammu and Kashmir’.
Since the majority-minority hatred was born in Srinagar, such UT will be secular in the true sense of tolerance once it develops like Vancouver of Canada encompassing Hollywood & Bollywood film worlds and business hubs as envisioned by PM. It will be easily manageable administratively by Delhi with law & order and development under its control. Other advantages will be that this area will have no direct contact with the LoC from where militants infiltrate. This UT can be developed as ‘Switzerland of East’ and governed on the models of Chandigarh or Pondicherry.
Militancy, development and prosperity of Kashmiris was the motivation behind reorganisation, said PM on 8th August. Jammu wasn’t mentioned in his speech. Jammu hatred, sufferings, sentiments and aspirations of Dogras, deserved concern being nationalist and Modi voters of the last two elections. Why should Jammu accept which Kashmiris are not yet reconciled with despite Lollipops; is worthy of debate. Under the new political arrangement Jammu needs the focus lest it crumbles in the face of manipulative and coercive forces from Kashmir and demographic invasion from its South. Jammu must stand and fight to re-establish its identity within Jammu & Kashmir. This is what right minded Dogras must mull over and consider whether ‘reorganisation as I see’, with South Kashmir as ‘Srinagar UT’, may tilt the balance of political power and undo the injustice and indignities of past seven decades. While many are thinking on exclusive Jammu statehood, the proposed alternative is doing the rounds in my mind, which I wish to share hoping that someone picks up a thread from it to stitch a new map of J&K by which pristine glory and pluralistic ethos of Dogras are not only protected but promoted as roadmap to the everlasting peace in Jammu & Kashmir.
Likely advantages of such re-organisation include (i) end of militancy since the area will be detached from LoC from where the infiltration takes place, (ii) flux of tourists will make it so prosperous that very idea of militancy will vanish, (iii) return of Pandits as per their requirement of separate and protected Homeland. (iv) number of legislators so reduced can be granted to J&K state enabling more representation of Pahari people in the legislature. I reiterate that ultimate solution to J&K imbroglio lies in its long standing requirement of trifurcation, one way or the other.
(views expressed are personal)