
Friday Aug 30-2019

Aries : Today, you will focus your lens on the one you’ve taken a fancy to! You are high on energy, but low on commitment to work. It won’t be surprising if your bosses are miffed. But still, says Ganesha, it’s a day of flowers and love notes.

Taurus : Light bulbs will flash relentlessly today, as you ideate in the fervour of a creative mood. Your business acumen will help you negotiate problems with ease. The reticent Taurus charm will ring out loud in your laughter, as you deal with your bosses and colleagues at the workplace, says Ganesha.

Gemini : Today, your emotions will cloud your ability to reason. You may try to find a refuge in devotional and spiritual activities. A visit to a couple of religious places may help you restore your peace of mind. A laid-back mindset will work wonders for you today.

Cancer : Today, you will realise that in this materialistic world, everything is judged by its appearance, and what is unseen counts for nothing. You will work hard to be seen and will crave for attention. Though Ganesha strongly suggests that this will only bring you grief as the most beautiful of flowers shrivel and your appearance will not help you beyond a point, you are not likely to follow his advice. However, there is not denying that outward appearance does have its advantages.

Leo : Though God is benevolent, it is but necessary that we reciprocate the magnanimity of the Almighty through our actions. So wake up today with a little prayer on your lips. Make it a point to visit a temple for some peace of mind. The other alternative is to do a small pooja at home. Connect with your spiritual side through meditation and find peace with yourself, says Ganesha.

Virgo : Today, your power and finance will be greater than ever before, says Ganesha. You will also be inclined to make monetary provisions for any future economic instability that may arise. The people around you will stand up and take notice of the leader in you. A word of caution from Ganesha: there may be unprecedented fluctuations in financial transactions.

Libra : Ganesha says today you will use your mental competency to complete all your work on time. You may not give complete attention to your family as you will be spending time in the office or at work. Your extraordinary intelligence will be showcased at work today. Ganesha says do not forget your family which has played a huge role in your success.

Scorpio : Ganesha feels that your intuitive feelings will rule your actions today. You will need to break past your stress threshold and tackle work with zeal and zest. Follow your instincts and relax to some good music when the burden of work is overwhelming. At the end of the day, it is not the thought that matters but how that thought was implemented into action.

Sagittarius : Watch out for Cupid’s arrow today, warns Ganesha. Love will strike and strike hard. Alternatively, you may also find yourself in an argument with a loved one that ought to have been avoided. An evening of romance beckons… keep the roses ready and the carpet rolled to heal any bruises you might have caused.

Capricorn : If trouble happens to knock at your door today, your guardian angel will come to your rescue, foresees Ganesha. Unlike many others who waste life running after impossible goals, you will be content with your achievements. But that does not, by any means, imply that you aren’t ambitious. Just like yourself, your ambitions will be simple in nature, to the extent that it may elicit awe among people.

Aquarius : Today, you will wish there were two of you! You are deluged with pending work, and even doubling up efforts will not seem enough. You may even cancel your movie date, deciding to deal with your sweetheart’s tantrums later. It’s your boss you are worried about, says Ganesha.

Pisces : You have been neglecting your health of late, a fact which is hammered home by your ill-fitting trousers today! So, while you ignored the adage of prevention being better than cure, you could still make a stitch in time to save nine! Head for the gym, and watch those calories, says Ganesha.