Markets to be provided security for shops to open

Sunday market opens partially in Lal Chowk, Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel
Sunday market opens partially in Lal Chowk, Srinagar. —Excelsior/Shakeel

Shops closed, traffic off roads

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Sept 1: Police and para-military forces will patrol the markets in Srinagar and other parts of Kashmir valley to give a sense of security to the shopkeepers who are willing to open their shops.
This was decided in a meeting held by the security forces’ top officials in Srinagar which was chaired by Director General of Police Dilbag Singh. The security of the market places was necessitated after shopkeepers failed to open their shops despite Government lifting restrictions in many parts of Valley and easing them out in other parts.
The top brass of the security met yesterday and discussed the overall security of Kashmir. They also discussed the issue of the students unwilling to join the schools and shopkeepers failing to open shops despite easing and lifting of restrictions in Kashmir.
Some shops in certain areas of Srinagar like Jawahar Nagar and Sanat Nagar opened few days back but after posters appeared in parts of Srinagar asking shopkeepers not to open their shops, they are not willing to open their shops.
The killing of a shopkeeper Ghulam Mohammad Mir son of Ali Mohammad Mir in Parimpora area of Srinagar few days back led to scare and now no one is ready to open the shop. Last night, the security forces asked the shopkeepers in several areas of Srinagar to close the shops in evening.
It may be mentioned here that through posters unknown persons asked shopkeepers to open their shops in morning and evening only. These posters were circulated by unknown persons and police is clue less about the people who are involved in their circulation.
The curfew like restrictions continued to remain easedwhile security forces were deployed during night at sensitive places in Srinagar today.
Despite the restrictions, eased in some areas and lifted in other areas of Kashmir, traffic movement was very thin. Only few vehicles were plying on the roads with public transport staying off the roads.
The security forces lifted barricades in the Civil Lines areas but in the Old Quarters the barricades continued. However, the movement through the barricades is regulated and vehicles are being checked before allowing them to move.
The shops remained closed in the entire Srinagar with some shops open in Sanantnagar area South of Srinagar. However, in the evening, shops opened in certain areas and people were seen buying essentials and movement of the traffic also increased in the evening.