Mainstream opposition parties misled Gujjars for decades: Khatana

Gujjar leader and BJP vice president, Ghulam Ali Khatana addressing a public meeting at Basohli on Monday.
Gujjar leader and BJP vice president, Ghulam Ali Khatana addressing a public meeting at Basohli on Monday.

Excelsior Correspondent
KATHUA, Sept 2: Mocking NC, PDP and Congress for their continued rhetoric and decades of falsely propagated love for Gujjars, Er. Ghulam Ali Khatana, BJP State vice-president and a prominent Gujjar leader put a huge question mark on the credibility and ideology of these mainstream political parties and blamed them for misleading the Gujjars and Bakerwals for decades together for their vested interests.
While addressing a mammoth gathering, at Manpur Basohli in Kathua district today, Khatana, questioned the eerie silence of these political parties on the brutal killing of two Gujjars recently by terrorists. This news was not enough to generate interest for parties like NC, PDP and Congress. He alleged that few families of Kashmir Valley are befooling the people of Jammu and Kashmir for their petty political interests and not for general public interest, after abrogation of special status and making of Union Territories out of Jammu and Kashmir State.
Khatana, said that these parties have continuously enjoyed legacy of around 95% community votes for decades but never did anything for their development and upliftment. He alleged these parties willingly kept the community backward to misuse their votes for centuries.
The Gujjar leader said that it was only BJP that has kept the issues of Gujjars and Bakkarwals, the designated nomadic communities alive and fought to give them their due rights. But parties like NC, PDP and Congress only used them as vote bank and never uttered a single word on the proper platform to solve their issues. He said that Modi Government at Centre will definitely protect the identity, culture and various other rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. He also cautioned the people to remain vigilant regarding rumours and other fabricated stories spread by half nationalist parties, anti-social elements and others working at the behest of Pakistan to create unrest in Jammu & Kashmir.