90% Kashmir free of daytime curbs

Moderate number of private vehicles plying on Jahangir Chowk road in Srinagar. (UNI)
Moderate number of private vehicles plying on Jahangir Chowk road in Srinagar. (UNI)

26,000 landline phones functional
Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, Sept 2 : The Government today said that 90 percent of Kashmir valley is free of day time restrictions and more relaxations will be given in coming days.
Speaking to reporters during a press conference here in Srinagar, Government spokesman Rohit Kansal said that there are no day time restrictions in 92 Police Stations of Kashmir. “90 percent of the Valley is free of day time restrictions”, he said.
Kansal said that Jammu and Ladakh regions are free from all restrictions on the movement of the people. “93 percent of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are free of prohibitory orders”, he’ added.
The spokesman said that 26, 000 landlines are functional in Kashmir valIey. He said that 29 more exchanges have been restored in last few days, taking the number of restored exchanges in the Valley to 76 out of 95.
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Kansal said that after the restoration of the telephone exchanges in the Valley there has been 85 percent drop in the calls being made from Deputy Commissioner’s office in Srinagar. He said that before the restoration, 2500 calls were being made from the DC office in Srinagar.
The Government spokesman said that 4,000 schools in Kashmir valley including Primary, Middle and High Schools are functional now. He said that attendance in the schools is improving but it is low at certain places.
Kansal said that Government offices in Kashmir valley are now fully functional and the attendance in them is normal.
He said that the National Highway is through and traffic is normal while the public transport to districts is available. “The Public transport to Ladakh and Jammu from Srinagar is restored”, he added.
The Government spokesman said that 1.5 lakh metric tonnes of fruit has been sent out to different fruit markets of the country in last month. He said that the movement of fruit laden trucks from Kashmir has increased from 100-105 in the initial days to 300. He added that the movement of the trucks with essentials to the Valley continues and there is no dearth of any essential commodities in Kashmir .
Kansal said that all medical facilities and hospitals are functioning normally in Kashmir valley.
He said that there have been 200 major surgeries and 2000 deliveries in the hospitals since August 5.
The Government spokesman said that major hospitals like SMHS and SKIMS are functioning normally. 33000 patients visited the OPD in the SKIMS and there have been 1000 surgeries since August 5 while in SMHS hospital there have been 5000 admissions and 1900 surgeries”, he added.
He said that there are threats by some anti-natlonal elements against opening of shops in many areas and security forces have taken note of it.
The official said that a ticketing counter has been set up at the TRC and so far 8000 tickets have been booked from the facility. He said that air ambulances have been provided to patients and assistance has been given to students who had to appear in examinations.
He said that the relaxation and facilitation will continue .
To question on the number of incidents that took place since August 5, Kansal said that 150 significant incidents have taken place in Kashmir valley since August 5 out of which 100 have taken place in 5 Police Station areas. He said that there have been hardly any incident in districts. Normally 2-3 incidents are taking place per day.
And meantime, despite the restrictions remaining eased in some areas and lifted in the other areas of Kashmir, traffic movement was very thin. Only few vehicles were plying on the roads as public transport stayed off the roads.
The security forces lifted barricades in the Civil Lines areas but in the Old Quarters, the barricades continued. Movement through the barricades is regulated and vehicles are being checked before allowing them to move.
The shops remained closed in Srinagar and other areas of Srinagar. However, in the evening shops opened in certain areas and people were seen buying essentials and movement of the traffic also increased in the evening.
The schools in Srinagar were open but the class rooms were deserted. However, teachers were present in majority of these schools.