Iran to Begin 3rd Stage of Nuclear Deal Obligations’ Reduction on Friday

MOSCOW, Sept 6: Iran will begin the third stage of rolling down nuclear obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Friday.
The third stage of Iran’s nuclear obligations reduction, in particular, includes research activity beyond the frameworks of the nuclear deal. Earlier in September, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that this nuclear activity would, in particular, include research of new type of centrifuges.
On the first anniversary of the US unilateral pullout from the 2015 Iran unclear deal on May 8, Tehran announced that it would start abandoning some parts of its nuclear obligations every 60 days unless European signatories to the deal ensured Iran’s interests under the agreement amid Washington’s reinstated sanctions.
Other JCPOA signatories have so far failed to ensure Tehran’s economic interests violated by unilateral US sanctions.