Jammu’s attractive temples

Name of Book : Jammu De Prachin Mandirs
Author : Dr Sunita Bhadwal
Publisher : Duggar Manch, Jammu
Pages : 152
Price : Rs 399

“Jammu De Prachin Mandir” is translation in Dogri done by prominent writer, Dr Sunita Bhadwal of the original Urdu work by noted writer, Kewal Krishan Shakar putting focus on the major temples in Jammu which attract thousands of devotees. These temples are frequented by the local people as well as the large number of visitors and pilgrims to this part of the country.
These sacred places have rare and beautiful idols and images enshrined in distinct architectural building with many unique features. Most of them have long interesting history associated with each one of them and a stream of devotees pour every day from all over.
Precious Possession
The author had highlighted these temples in Urdu and now attempt has been made by Dr Bhadwal to make its reach possible for the Dogri readership as well.
It is noteworthy that the book is couched in simple language and lucid style language. The detailed description of each temple has been included in this book making it both informative and quite interesting. This is the main merit of this book. I read it from page to page and enriched my knowledge. The photographs and pictures of the temples would have added further to the quality of this publication ! Anyway, I call upon Dogri knowing persons to go through the book and further enrich their knowledge .
(Starline Syndicate Service)