Gupta warns against maligning Army

Excelsior  Correspondent
Jammu, Mar 9: Strongly objecting to the public controversy over the presence of the Army and revoking of their powers, the former Union Minister and MLA, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta has turned it a political motivated boggy to malign the forces.
Prof. Gupta said that no where else in the country even in the North East such controversy is being raised but for by the certain politicians of Kashmir valley in a bid to woo the separatist sentiments.  This is causing a great harm to the national interests and providing a handle to the forces hostile to the country to tarnish the image of India.
He said it is not the Army but the Govt is to see where the forces are to be deployed or not.  The Army in the Valley or elsewhere is not there on their own.  It was strange that even the men in the Government sharing power both in the State as also at the Centre have joined in the upmanship to question the presence as also the powers of the Army in J&K, which of course is an integral part of the country.
Prof. Gupta said there are set rules and regulations if any man in khaki commits a mistake can be dealt under law but in a complex situation created in the Valley the things are being made difficult for the forces.  This is unfortunate.
Prof. Gupta also pointed out that the Indian Army has a great record world over for respecting human values.
He said it would be proper for the Centre as also the ruling leaders of the State to sort out their difference within themselves instead of indulging in public controversies on sensitive issues linked with the forces depending the borders and combating a proxy war launched by Pakistan to grab Kashmir by hook or crook.