Modi eliminated terrorism by scrapping Art 370: Yogi

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath here today said abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir will lead to end of terrorism in the country.
Addressing the gathering in Tunala, CM Yogi said previous Governments of Opposition parties had no courage to revoke Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir which caused misery to the valley and worked as terrorism center. He said with actions of Modi Government clear message was sent to the world that India will not tolerate terrorism anymore.
Slamming previous Samajwadi Party (SP) and Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Governments CM Yogi said SP, BSP always worried about their family while BJP is concerned about the whole country.
Highlighting the achievements of BJP Government, CM Yogi said BJP Government provided jobs to more than 22 lakh youngsters in the past two and half years. He said BJP government provided employment without any corruption in a transparent manner. He said several development schemes were initiated in past two and half years for every section of society without any discrimination.
Addressing the gathering in Iglas area of Aligarh, CM Yogi said government was supporting small traders with several development schemes. He said under ‘one district one product scheme’ renowned lock industry of Aligarh will be promoted which will generate employment opportunity at large scale.
CM Yogi also inaugurated 355 development schemes of Rs 1135.80 crore including development schemes of UP Bridge corporation, Water department, smart city developments and roads construction. (UNI)