Shiv Ratri

The term Shiv Ratri means the moment of incarnation of God in the world of evils on this day.
God incarnated itself in the body of Brahma and gave the message to the world that Shiva is world and the other hand Lord Sankara is destroyer of evil people.
The human is not a body but an eternal soul that lives in the body for the time being and is reincarnated from one body to another body, the soul is called ‘Atma’ and is in the centre of forehead. This is where the small point of spiritual light energy’ of the body is said to be.
God does not have a physical body, as such does not take birth or rebirth, like human souls. However, the market difference between human souls God is that God is the perfect and constant embodiment of all virtues, power and values and that he is father of all souls, irrespective of religions.
Karma plays an extensive role in deciding where and when we are born the destiny of the soul’s next body depends on how you act and behave in this life.
Through meditation by transforming your thinking pattern and eventually your action.
Yours etc….
Santosh Samyal