Advisor Khan visits Shashvat Art Gallery, pitches for preservation of heritage

Farooq Khan, Advisor to Governor, at Shashvat Art Gallery and Museum in Jammu.
Farooq Khan, Advisor to Governor, at Shashvat Art Gallery and Museum in Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 15: Stating that Jammu and Kashmir has a rich culture and heritage, Farooq Khan, Advisor to Governor today pitched for its preservation by all the stakeholders.
He was speaking at Shashvat Art Gallery and Museum, the biggest private art gallery and museum in the entire State situated at Upper Bazaar Dhaunthly here which he visited today.
Accompanied by Dr Meenakashi Kilam Registrar, University of Jammu, S S Wazir, former president, State Gurdwara Parbandhak Boa-rd, Mohit Oswal, well known businessman, Dr Arvinder Singh Amn, Additional Secretary, J&K State Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, J&K, among others, Farooq Khan spend over two hours at the Museum and appreciated the efforts of the Abrol family in the preservation of the Gallery since past many years.
Shashvat Art Gallery is a result of sincere efforts of Dr Suresh Abrol and his three brothers Naresh, Rakesh and Vinod who have converted their three storied home into a museum. The valuable manuscripts kept in the Museum are part of their grandfather Lala Rekhi Ram Abrol’s collections who was a jeweller in the court of Maharaja Hari Singh, the last Dogra ruler.
The Museum had over 1,500 Pahari miniature paintings including Basohli, Kashmir, Jammu and Kangra School of Miniature Paintings besides hundreds of rare manuscripts and ancient manuscripts, elegant calligraphic works, rare Quranic manuscripts and art masterpieces etc.
While applauding the efforts of Abrol family in saving such rich traditions, Khan invited Dr Abrol to work and collaborate closely with the State Government in showcasing this to the outer world in Jammu and Kashmir and rest of India too.
Making a special mention of over 100 series of paintings on Guru Nanak, Khan said that they would get it deciphered and showcase it all over the country on behalf of the State Government on the occasion of 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak in November this year.
Dr Meenakshi Kilam, while speaking at the occasion, highlighted the importance of art, culture, artifacts, manuscripts and other heritage. He disclosed that the University is also in the process of starting Manuscripts Conservation Centre in future.