Bhalla takes stock of people’s problems

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 10: Minister for Housing, Horticulture and Culture Raman Bhalla has said that peace is pre-requisite for making Jammu and Kashmir a model State of the country, adding that people’s cooperation is imperative make the State a prosperous one.
The Minister said this while interacting with the people of Lower Gaddigarh, Digiana and Digiana Camp after assessing the development related problems of the people, here today. During the tour to localities, Mr. Bhalla called upon the people not pay heed to the nefarious designs of those who mislead people by false slogans to meet their personal interests. He asked the people to extend their whole hearted cooperation to the Government for maintaining peace and prosperity in the State.
The Minister said Government is committed to provide all basic amenities to the inhabitants of urban basties like adequate drinking water, electricity, road connectivity, education, healthcare besides
better lanes and drains, adding that for this purpose, Government has provided liberal funding for developing all the basties on modern lines.
Mr. Bhalla asked the Jammu Municipal Corporation to immediately start the construction work of lanes and drains of the areas, for which Government has earmarked Rs. 31 lakh.
For improving water supply in the localities, the Minister asked the PHE to lay water supply pipes in the drinking water scarcity areas. He asked JMC to immediately depute a team for removing the garbage from local nallah.
Regarding restoring breached portions of nallah, Mr. Bhalla asked the Urban Environmental Engineering Department (UEED) to start the works so that the people do not face any inconvenience during rainy season. Listing the measures taken by the Government in Lower Gaddigarh area, the Minister said Government has approved Rs. 1.53 crore for construction of cremation ground near Rohi Morh. He said Government has earmarked Rs. 1.40 crore for construction of Revenue Complex in the area.
Mr. Bhalla said Government has earmarked Rs. 3.17 crore for construction of two-storey Primary Health Centre at Lower Gaddigarh adding that after inauguration of the hospital, the ailing people of the area would be treated there. He said the hospital would be dedicated to the people by providing all latest technique facilities at par with Gandhi Nagar hospital.
The Minister assured the people that all their genuine demands and development needs of the people would be fulfilled in a phased manner, adding that there is no constraint of funds in providing adequate basic amenities to the people of all the three regions of the State.