Harshdev describes invocation of PSA against Farooq as undemocratic act

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 19: Describing the invocation of PSA against Dr. Farooq Abdullah as an undemocratic act, motivated by political vendetta, Harshdev Singh JKNPP Chairman and Former Minister today said that use of such repressive measures against nationalist mainstream political leaders without a valid justification could prove counterproductive for a sensitive state like J&K.
He said that slapping of PSA against a three time Chief Minister, Ex Union Minister and present Member Parliament defied all logic and rationale and especially given the unquestionable credentials of Dr. Farooq Abdullah as nationalist leader.
While PSA has been slapped upon the said Ex-Chief Minister, no plausible justification has been given. Isn’t it a constitutional outrage, an abuse of the power muscle, a sabre thrust into the soul of democracy”, questioned Singh.
“One could of course have reservations about the quality of governance during the tenure of Farooq Abdullah and even question the biased treatment doled out to Jammu and Ladakh regions in his rule or differ with him with regard to political philosophy. But to treat him as a threat to peace or to security of nation was wholly unjustified and amounted to a grave insult to the sentiments of a 82 year old veteran Indian leader”, said Singh.
It is further intriguing to note that while antinational and separatist leaders like Ali Shah Geelani continue to have access to internet in the present volatile situation in Kashmir, the leaders like Farooq Abdullah owing allegiance to Indian constitution had been but behind iron gates, he stated.