Administration needs to be alert and must employ necessary steps to fight the outbreak of Dengue in Jammu as more and more cases in the region are reported to have tested positive . As per the data available, as many as 75 confirmed cases in the region from various parts are indicative of the enormity of the mosquito spread dreaded disease. Health Department, Municipalities , Panchayats etc are expected to spread awareness on a vast scale as also other preventive measures so that the seasonal disease was brought under control and not allowed to take any ugly turn.
Incessant rains and accumulated stagnant water spots , humidity and exposure of uncovered legs and arms were reasons greatly contributing towards falling trap to this disease. It is widely believed that the Dengue mosquito usually bites in the height range up to human knees. Thank God , so far no life has been consumed by this disease and successful treatment available and the patients reaching the hospitals in time have resulted in the disease being under proper but tight “reins”. However, there should be no room for any complacency.