JKAS topper does Dogri proud

O P Sharma
A talented Dogra youth, Siddarth Dubey has cracked the J&K Administrative Service as a topper being the first to be one with the Dogri language as his subject this year.
After post-graduation in Botany from Jammu Univeristy, he was working as a lecturer in Botany at Govt Higher Secondary school, in his native place, Ramnagar. Self-motivated to top the competition, he has unfolded a number of key guidelines ( clues ) for the new aspirants for this coveted career to serve the people. In an exclusive interview with me , immediately after the announcement of the selection with distinction of being the first with Dogri as subject to crack this JKAS competition conducted by the Public Service Commission recently. He has done proud to Dogri language.
What was the motivation and inspiration to enter civil services career ?
A: I am Siddarth Dubey from Ram Nagar in Udhampur district and was a Lecturer in Botany in the local higher secondary school in my home town. Being M.Sc ( Botany) from Jammu University and being in science teaching profession but I opted to appear with Dogri as one of my subjects in civil service exam. By His grace, it worked wonders and I became first to qualify the cadre with Dogri as optional subject!
Sense of service and devotion to transform the society was the guiding star and my parents always encouraged me to do “something proud and distinct”.
What is the key to your success?
A: Perseverance and single- minded devotion to fulfill the dream of my parents to see me as a Civil Servant. It is a challenging task and I firmly feel our talented youth can make it to the coveted career with their hard and honest work.
Tell something about challenges you faced through your journey?
A: In my case, challenges were more personal than during the studies. I lost my parents very early as I started my preparations. Priorities changed completely thereafter. It was really a tough time. But I stood up stout and strong. Moreover, the most challenging part was mental rather than as physical barriers. One has essentially to learn to overcome all hurdles to achieve the goals. The serious studies has lot to do with your state of mind. We often read success stories of people from poor background cracking an exam but it is equally challenging to come up to the expectations of a family with decent background. One has to be determined, devote time and energy single-mindedly to shine despite all distractions.
Whom you want to dedicate your success to?
A: My success is a tribute to my Parents. The resolution to make them feel proud of me was the biggest Motivation.
It is learnt you cracked the KAS exam with Dogri language as a subject. How and why you opted for it, considering the fact that nobody ever has got selected with it far ? Hasn’t is opened a new window of opportunity for others ?
A: Yes.indeed. This is a fact. My optionals were Dogri Literature as well as Zoology. There is a story behind it. One day i had a casual conversation with my dad and he said I should contribute to Dogri, our mother- tongue. This made me ponder over it for days together and finally I took this vital decision of opting for Dogri subject. Many called it ” insanity” as I was prepared with Geography and Botany. But somehow i believed I can. This success is more special as despite being from the science background i qualified KAS with Dogri Literature as optional and thus gave a tribute to my mother tongue and thus fulfilled my promise to my father. Young youth with Dogri knowledge have vast potential and scope with new windows of opportunity.
What would be the level of competition in new arragements ?
A: See J&K aspirants are highly talented and they also appear in various competitions with devotion and discipline. In the new environ, now emerging, the extent of competition may increase but it will be certain within the reach of dedicated aspirants.
What are specific attributes of a successful ?
Kaaka chesta, bako dhyanam, swana nidra thataiva chaalparahaari, gruhatyagi vidyaarthi pancha lakshanam
(Meaning : activity like crow, concentration of a crane, sleep of a dog, minimal food intake and sacrificing familial bondages. Are five attributes of a student)
What message do you want to give to new aspirant youth ?
A: No matter how gifted you may be but it is certainly your much work hard and full preparation with confidence that will lead to success. This is true for all the 3 stages including Prelims, Mains and also Personality Test. All require suitable strategy for preparations which still may vary from person to person. But the basic mantra remains: You have to devise a plan and work hard for your goal. I know of many, who failed repeatedly in State PSC but cleared UPSC eventually.
Life sometimes has testing times, fight out the tough times. If you believe you can, you probably/certainly can. Try again and again with new courage, confidence and vitality with faith in Him and yourself. With self belief and hard work, your potential is limitless. Perseverance is the key. Dare to aim big and back it up with a strong purpose so that you remain strongly motivated throughout.
If you are fortunate enough to get through in one or two attempts, during which your knowledge, writing skills and entire character, are put to test but don’t quit in-between without achieving your final goal. A window of opportunity has been opened by Mr Dubey and new vistas still remain to open in All India Service to be explored for the Dogri language already included in the 8th Schedule of our Constitution.
(Starline Syndicate Service)