Abandoned 8 yrs ago, HSC building turns into ‘cow-shelter’

Excelsior Correspondent

MENDHAR, Sept 23: Abandoned by the R&B agency about eight years ago, the building of Health Sub Centre (HSC), Soyian in Mendhar Sub Division of district Poonch has virtually turned into a ‘cow shelter’.
Some habitual offenders continued to keep their cattle there while authorities concerned are unconcerned over the matter.
Sources said that despite utilization of adequate funds, the concerned nodal department – the PW(R&B) has failed to complete the construction work of this much awaited health facility in this remote area of district Poonch.
“The construction work of the building was started eight years ago but could not reach the final stage, for the reasons best known to PWD/ R&B agency, a local lamented, adding, “the construction has been started and stopped multiple times since then.”
According to the locals approximately Rs 40 lakhs have been issued by Health Department yet PWD’ s lackadaisical attitude made the project to face uncertain fate. “Due to inordinate delay, the uncompleted structure too, is in a pathetic condition now, locals said, adding, “some people have dared using the uncompleted hospital building as a cow- shelter.”
Pertinent to mention here that this health centre was aimed to benefit around 10,000 souls of the Soyian and its surrounding areas but the project is in doldrums.
Highlighting their plight in absence of Health Centre, locals said, ” They have to shift sick and injured to the Sub District Hospital, Mendhar for treatment which in case of emergency the some ill-fated patients fail to get new lease of life.”
Locals further added that Health department is paying lakhs of rupees annually for the rent which would have been saved if the building is completed.
Chairman Mendhar Youth Club Nadeem Hussain Khan appealed to DC Poonch to inquire into the matter and take action against concerned officials of the agency, who are responsible for the delay in completion of building work.