Micky honoured in Bhutan

Excelsior Correspondent

Jammu, Sept 26: In 20th anniversary of Film Association of Bhutan, Arvinder Singh “Micky”, Ex-Dy. Chairman Legislative Council was specially invited to attend the function in Bhutan’s Captial City Thimphu.
On inauguration day, the function was attended by the Prime Minister of Bhutan Lotay Tshering who was the Chief Guest of the function. Other dignitaries who attended were, Indian Ambassador to Bhutan Ruchira Kamboj, Kuwait Ambassador, official of the UNICEF, UNDP, Bhutan Chamber of Commerce & Industry and various Heads of the Govt Departments.
The Association of Film Industry of Bhutan lauded Micky for his social contribution towards the people of Bhutan, his charity work in the regions which were helpful to the people of Bhutan visiting India. Micky assured that he and his organization will continue to serve the people of Bhutan in future also.
Prominent ones from Film Industry of Bhutan who attended were, Actors Tshering Gyaltshen, Actor Tshering Dorji, Actress Dorji Wangmo, Singer Lhamo Dukpa, Director of Photography Singye Wangchuk, Director Ata Khawjay, Art director Kencho, Karma Tenzin, Dorji Wangda, Script writer Garsab Damcho.