1987 Assembly elections

Refer news item ‘1987 Assembly elections root cause of terrorism’ DE Sept 30, 2019.
Undoubtedly, the rigging of elections in 1987 by the then ruling despensation was a turning point in the history of J&K State. Had elections not been manipulated, there would have been no militancy and the consequent devastation of the State for the last 30 years now. The whole character of State changed for worse during this period. Almost every sector of the State got terribly hit. The State turned from heaven into hell. The mass displacement of KPs from their native place into Jammu and other parts was a dark phase, which can’t be erased from the annals of history.
However, there is a lot to learn from this ugly episode for the politicians of the country.
They should not indulge in petty politics for the sake of their own interests. They should keep the nation above all these things. If nation exists, we all may exist – whether we live in penury or prosperity.
We have to work unitedly for the better future of this great nation. Long Live India.
Amit Kumar