Waste Management

Refer news item ‘Majority of Development Authorities lack facility for scientific disposal of solid waste’ DE Sept 30.
It will take the Government departments, particularly Development Authorities, pretty long time to manage solid waste at tourist destinations scientifically. These authorities lack both will and wherewithal to deal with this humongous issue that is widely debated both at national and international levels.
These Development Authorities, in case they do not want to pollute or defile the ambience of these picturesque places, must harness their own resources, frame policies and guidelines for the purpose. They can’t keep waiting and watching the deterioration of these places.
Besides, the Tourism Department which is responsible for development of Tourism sector must wake up to this reality by involving all stakeholers in this noble task. It may not be out of context to mention here that tourism is the mainstay of State’s (now UT) economy. Since Jammu and Kashmir is environmentally fragile, there is no scope for polluting the environment.
Devinder Sharma