Argentina invites Russia to participate in renewable energy projects : Diplomat

MOSCOW, Oct 5:Argentina invites Russia to participate in its renewable energy projects, the Latin American country’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Gustavo Rodolfo Zlauvinen, told Sputnik.
“Several years ago, the government of Argentina launched a national program to increase a share of renewable energy, and determined industries for holding open auctions of course, Russian companies can participate in them. These are international auctions,” the foreign sectary said.
Argentina developed various sources of renewable energy, including solar and wind power, Zlauvinen argued.
Particularly, the authorities seek to develop a wind farm in the region of Patagonia where there are strong winds, according to the foreign secretary.
Zlauvinen added that Buenos Aires hoped to hold a year of bilateral programs with Russia in 2020 or 2021.
The foreign secretary insisted that 2020 would be more suitable for the project since it would mark the 135th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral ties.
For the previous time, the two countries held a year of bilateral programs in 2015.