New era of development

Time was now more than ripe to fight militants and their ‘ideology’ to the ultimate end as no other country in the world has suffered so much and so long on account of cross border terrorism and acts of violence and mayhem in various parts of the country, in particular Jammu and Kashmir- as India has.Forty long years have witnessed how this country has been reeling under an undeclared disguised war on our soil. Having felt that passive and conventional methods to fight militancy in Jammu and Kashmir had not brought about the desired results, the strength from which this religious fundamentalist based and motivated terror trail sponsored and sustained by Pakistan was deriving was largely attributed to the ‘special status’ enjoyed by the state which needed revocation. Union Home Minister AmitShah rightly reiterated the resolve of the Governmentin this respect and made no bones about it at a function in connection with flagging off at New Delhi on October 4, a fast speed train which has started running between New Delhi and Katra. The train Vande Bharat Express was described by him as Prime Minister NarendraModi’s gift to the people of Jammu and Kashmir which would boost religious tourism. Religious tourism in India had lot of potential and exploring more in this area was need of the hour , therefore , rightly referred to by the Home Minister highlighting measures of Modi Government to ensure people could reach all religious places ‘easily and safely.’
Terror and terrorism were not only engaged in spilling blood of the innocents in the state but were creating hurdles in developmental and construction works . Things having now vastly changed due to well defined and articulately focussed policies of the ModiGovernment which besides work on other projects being kick-started which were held up, has also resulted in the work on Katra – Banihal railway line too being expedited by the Railways . It is , as such, hoped that within less than next three years, Kashmir would be fully linked with Kanyakumari by train meaning, not only fast and vast connectivity at quite affordable price but lot of spurt in trade and commerce and resultant more economic development.
Heralding a new era of development symptomatic of measures like running of the fast train between New Delhi and Katra and other infrastructural development projects being initiated that Jammu and Kashmir was destined to emerge among ten top developed regions of the country – was what the Union Home Minister very hopefully envisaged. It is, however, not in good taste that some political leaders should try to make political capital out of the abrogation of the Article 370 and project Kashmir sans liberty while fact of the matter is on the opposite and there was total freedom to people to do their usual routine work like every other day and move about freely for normal routine activities . Heavy traffic jams, brisk shopping , movement of private transport including vehicles carrying goods are seen in the valley like everyday activities. Agreed, some inconvenience in areas of communication network was faced by the people which gradually are being constantly reviewed and restored. Greatest contribution of some elementary restrictions helped in not firing a shot by the security forces and not even one precious life being lost and the administration deserved all the praises.
The Union Home Minister’s assessment of the need to scrapping Article 370 was by no means a hyperbole when on the occasion, he saw in its continuation a hurdle in unity and integrity and development of Jammu and Kashmir . The stress on “wiping out” the ideology of terrorists in Kashmir by the Home Minister had wider upshots than ordinarily could appear as it was the ideology or the “cause” which was their motivating force. The message indirectly was for their mentors and the force behind their sustenance and pampering. Hate, violence, religious exclusiveness or separatism had no place in Jammu and Kashmir and the country . Full integration of the Jammu and Kashmir like any other state with the Union of India was not only the wish and the desire of majority of the people of the state but of the entire country as Amit Shah referred to this fact terming Articles 370 and 35A being “now part of history”. That epitomises the supremacy of our Parliamentary system of governance as Parliament gave its approval to it.