Make policing and police stations people-friendly: Naidu

Vice President, M. Venkaiah Naidu addressing the gathering at the Annual Day cum Police Reforms Day 2019 and National Conference on SMART Policing, in New Delhi on Saturday.
Vice President, M. Venkaiah Naidu addressing the gathering at the Annual Day cum Police Reforms Day 2019 and National Conference on SMART Policing, in New Delhi on Saturday.

Vice-President M Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday stressed the need to make policing people-centric and police stations people-friendly and receptive.
Addressing a National Seminar on SMART Policing organised jointly by the Indian Police Foundation, the National Centre for Good Governance and the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), he suggested internal reforms within the police forces, including improving the ambiance in the police stations to make them complainant-friendly.
Pointing out that police station was the first point of contact for people, he said that the common man should feel confident that the police personnel were competent to redress his grievance.
“At present, you would agree, a complainant enters the police station with serious misgivings whether his or her report would be registered or what kind of the treatment would the person get,” he said.
Mr Naidu advised them to focus on the swift and objective approach to dealing with cases rather than bothering about the increase in crime figures, adding that every complaint must be registered and inquired.
“We have been talking for many years to make police stations people-friendly. Unfort-unately, that is not happening. Unless the senior officers take the lead in changing the atmosphere in police stations, I am afraid that things might not improve,” he added.
Observing that the country was facing the problems such as terrorism, Maoism and insurgency, Mr Naidu said that ballot was more powerful than the bullet.
Stating that terrorism was the enemy of humanity, he said there should be no complacency on the safety and security of the country and called for measures to enhance the capabilities of the State Police and Central Armed Forces to deal with emerging challenges effectively.
Referring to the daunting challenges posed by Cyber age, the Vice-President stressed the need to train police forces across the country to tackle cyber crimes. At the same time, he said there was an enormous scope to tap IT potential in the fields of police governance, investigation, safety and security management as well as citizen-centric policing.
Referring to the Prime Minister’s vision of smart policing, he wanted the police to think of innovative approach to deal with VIP security and in regulating traffic during the movement of VVIPS.
Expressing concern over the sporadic instances of sexual assaults and crimes against women and minor children, Mr Naidu called for stepping up of security measures to ensure the safety of women.
He wanted the police to be sensitised about the need to act firmly and ensure that the culprits were brought to book at the earliest. The Vice-President said that addressing the shortage of manpower, improving the transport and communications facilities and services, and setting up of forensic more laboratories were needed in addition to the police reforms suggested by the Supreme Court. (UNI)