Prof Gupta for rectifying wrongs done by Art 370

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 5: The former Union Minister, Prof. Chaman Lal Gupta observed that after the historic step of repealing the Article 370, there is the need to rectifying the wrongs inflicted to various aspects of life under a design. These also include basic education system resulting in communal and regional divide.
In a statement issued here, today, Prof. Gupta pointed out that instead of following three language formula prevailing in the country, the ruling leaders of the State perpetrated their own education policy with a design. Urdu was made the medium of instruction in Muslim Majority areas but in Jammu in Hindu majority areas Devnagri was introduced with no arrangement for teaching of Urdu. The results were obvious as the Jammuites did not have the knowledge of Urdu to compete and even finding place in selections for Government jobs in the State. So is getting it difficult for Muslim youths in competing at national level because of they are not Hindi knowing.
He recalled that the great visionary Pandit Prem Nath Dogra had been opposing the lop sided educational policy of the NC-Congress rulers of the State, his voice was not only ignored but was rather dubbed as communal to face the wrath of the rulers masquerading as secular.
Prof. Gupta also stressed the need to seriously look into the role of Madarsas and other such like bodies in radicalising the youth especially in the troubled Kashmir. And also see that who are elements working behind the spread of such Madarsas to the extent of opening these centers for even the Rohingyas who have mysteriously entered the Jammu areas in large numbers.
He recalled that after the break out of armed militancy in the State in 1990, the Madarsas and schools controlled by Jamat-e-Islami were banned by the then Governor, Jagmohan but how such Madarsas were allowed after about a decade in the name of imparting quality education.
Prof. Gupta hoped that after repeal of Art 370, the men at the helm of affairs would also look in all such wrongs inflicted over the decades in a manner shrouded in mystery.