An inspiration to All

Rajeshwar Singh Raju

Dogri language is a very sweet language. Every Dogra is proud of its sweetness. But when it comes to adopt it as the language of communication with own kids then there are certain apprehensions. Does it mean that the flavor will be limited to books, or memories only? Until mother tongue is popularized at ground level i.e. it becomes a mother tongue in real sense till then we may only boast of its illustrious past but will be held accountable for its extinction. All sincere efforts are need of the hour to stop it from becoming a history. Dogri was our history, is or present and should be our future too.
Now, whenever there will be discussion on the sincere efforts made in this direction then a name will always top the list.
She is very humble and sober,
She is passionate about her mother tongue.
She is an inspiration to so many.
She is Veena Gupta.
Veena Gupta born on 31st October 1950 is a well acquainted literary personality who has illuminated numerous new entrants in the field of literature as a Guiding force. If we talk of Dogri Literature, then she has been an authority to discuss all aspects at length. Listening to her in literary functions has always been a delight.
Veena has the privilege of having first ever Ph. D in Dogri. She had been excellent throughout her academic career passing M.A. in Sanskrit with Ist Class & 3rd Rank, Hon’s in Dogri & Post Graduate Diploma in Linguistics with Ist Class & Ist Position. Having fluency in Dogri, Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi and English languages she is specialized in Linguistics, Grammar, Translatology and Folklore.
If we cast a look at her colossal contribution to mother tongue Dogri, then it will not be unfair to add here that she has extensively contributed to the treasure of Dogri literature through her creative works that offer all help and Guidance to aspiring talents and students.
Her Books on Dogri Linguistics /Grammar like “Dogri Vayakaran”, “Dogri Vakya-Vinyas”, “Dogri Bhasha_ Udhav Aur Vikas”, “Hindi Dogri Vartalap Nideshak”, “Guidelines for teaching Dogri script and Pronunciation”, “Anuvad Vighyan (Co-Author), Books on Literary Evaluation of Dogri literature like “Dogri kavita_ Mukh Rujhan”, “Sadhe Sahityakar_ Dogri Sahitya De Nirmata Part-II & Part-II, Ashwani Magotra_ Monograph, Ram Nath Shastri_ Monograph, Translations of world literature like “My Universities” by Maxim Gorky (Novel”, ” Kalikatha via Byepass ” novel by Alka Sarogi, ” Wise & Otherwise” memoirs by Sudha Murti, “The Sasia Story ” by Madanjeet Singh UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, “Bankim Chander Chatterjee” monograph by Subodh Chander Sen Gupta, “Ram Nath Shastri_ Father Figure of Dogri Renaissance, “Gora” Guriu Rabinder Nath Tagore’s novel etc are a real wealth of Dogri Language.
She has researched a lot on different aspects of Dogri Literature and its historical significance. The major research works include “Critical History of Dogri Literature” published in volumes by J & K Academy of art, Culture & Languages Jammu, “Shallow parries Tools Of Indian Languages _ Dogri” published by DIT Government of India as Senior Linguistics etc. She has also attended as well as organized so many seminars, conferences and Workshops on Dogri. More than 90 papers and articles covering various facets of Dogri Language, Literature , Folklore etc. written by her have been published in prominent National and regional Publications.
It is pertinent to add here that In addition to original works and translations she has worked comprehensively as an editor of numerous Books and Magazines that include Six Volumes of “Dogri Shodh” from 2001 to 2005 & Naroa Chapasam Naroa Jeevan published by PG Department of Dogri, Jammu University, “Dogri Nikas te Vikas, Bheemin sadi da Dogri sahitya_ Takaze te Uplabdhiyan, Padamshree Professor Ram Nath Shastri_ Vyaktitav te Kritatav, Sahityakaar Dinu Bhai Pant, Dinu Bhai Pant Da Kavita Sahitya, Duggar De Lokvarta, Dogri Lekhan Shaili te Bhartiya Bhasha Jyoti_Dogri, Jhull Baraia Dea Pattara_ Dogri Epic , Pooni Pooni Batti Raat_ Collection of Dogri Ghazals, Ramji Seeran_ Collection of Dogri Essays, Dogri Sahitya cha Mithajk te Itihas etc. She has also edited about seven anthologies on Dogri Short stories, poetry etc, In addition to it she has also compiled and edited ” Bheemin Sadi da Dogri Mahila Lekhan, Chounmiyan Punjabi Kahaniyan, Chounmiyan Rajsthanii Kahaniyan, Chounmiyan Konkani Kahaniyan etc. and quite a few books are under publication too. She has edited 98 numbers of “Nami Chetna”, the oldest and most prestigious literary magazine of Dogri published by Dogri Sanstha Jammu and also prepared and edited ten books for Dogri Subject from Class Ist to 12th and for Degree Level also as member of Editorial Board.
Veena Gupta has vast experience of more than 35 years of teaching at post graduate level. She has research experience of 40 years with 14 Ph .Ds produced, 04 Ph. Ds under supervision, 23 M. Phils produced and thousands being inspired to come ahead as a contributor to mother tongue Dogri.
She has held prominent posts throughout her professional career that include Head of Dogri Department_ Jammu University, Convener Board of Studies in Dogri, Expert in Dogri Subject & Linguistics in University Grants Commission, J & K Public Services Commission, Union Public Service Commission, Dean_ Faculty of Arts, Jammu University, Dogri Expert in Grant-in-Aid committee in Central Institute Indian Languages Mysore HRD Ministry, General Secretary Dogri Sanstha Jammu, Life member Linguistic Society of India Deccan College Pune, Folklore Congress India, Rashtra Bhasha Prachar Samiti, Convener Dogri Advisory Board in Sahitya Academy, New Delhi etc. She remained and is Member to so many Government & Non Government Cultural Organizations.
She has been honoured by different Government and Non-Government organizations like J & K Academy of Art, Culture & Languages Jammu, Maharashtra State Sahitya Academy, Rashtra Bhasha Prachar Samiti Vardha, Malviya Rangmanch Samiti Ujjain, Department of Information Technology Centre, New Delhi etc. from time to time for her outstanding contributions to literature.
What’s quite a delight to mention here is that she is always ready to help the needy ones. She has been inspiration to all, a Crusader working determinedly for the welfare of mother tongue Dogri. She is of the view that we have reached at such a point where it has to be realized that mother tongue is our identity. In order to stick to our roots and preserve our cultural traditions, we have no option rather than to save Dogri. It can happen only if we give due regards to it and treat it as mother tongue.
As per Veena Gupta, “The word_ ‘Mother’ attached to “Mother Tongue” tells a lot about the significance of language.”