Release pending salaries of teachers: ReT Forum

Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, Oct 13: ReT Teachers’ Forum, Tehsil Ramnagar unit has appealed the Government to release pending salaries of ReT teachers so that they can fulfill basic needs of their families.
The issue was discussed threadbare during a monthly meeting of ReT Teachers’ Forum, Tehsil Ramnagar unit, held today at Ramnagar under the chairmanship of tehsil president Amit Sharma and senior leader Kuldeep Kumar. The meeting was attended by a large number of teachers of Tehsil Ramnagar.
While speaking on the occasion, Amit Sharma said that recently regularized ReTs, un-regularised ReTs, recently converted RReTs to teachers Grade II and Teachers Grade III are without salary for last 8 months. He said that families of these teachers are suffering badly as these teachers are unable to fulfill their basic necessities including proper food, clothing and required medicines to their old and ailing parents.
He urged upon the Finance Department and the Education Department to come in the rescue of these teachers and bring them out of financial crunch by releasing their pending salaries before Diwali.
Tehsil vice president, Sahil Sambyal, while speaking on the occasion, demanded release of salary of the NPS teachers who are without salary for last 3 to 4 months. He also demanded conversion of newly regularized ReTs to Teachers Grade II and Teachers Grade III and regularization of left out ReTs. He appealed Director School Education Jammu to convert left out graduates to teachers Grade II who have degrees from recognized universities of outside the State.