First Lady highlights importance of girl child

Excelsior Correspondent

First Lady Usha Vohra, giving away prize to a winner at a function by Postal Ladies Organisation at Jammu on Wednesday.

JAMMU, Mar 13: The Central Postal Ladies Organization, J&K Circle, organized a function at the Police Officers Mess, Gulshan Ground, here this evening. The theme of the function was “The joy of being a woman”.
Usha Vohra, First Lady, who was the chief guest at the function, referred to the theme of the function and observed that it is very apt. She said that to have a daughter is a blessing as she brings tremendous joy to the entire family.
Regarding the cultural programme and the Fashion Show organized by the members of the Postal Ladies Organisation on this occasion, Mrs Vohra appreciated their performance and creative talents.
The First Lady lauded  John Samuel, Chief Post Master General, J&K Circle, and Mrs Ramona Samuel, President, Postal Ladies Organization, J&K Circle, for frequently organizing various functions to popularize the activities of the Postal Department in the State. She also   gave away prizes to the three best adjudged participants of the Fashion Show.
Earlier, in her welcome address, Ramona Samuel, thanked the First Lady for encouraging and supporting the women and taking keen interest in their empowerment in the State.
A cultural programme and a quiz competition were also organized on this occasion.
Prominent women and a large number of members of the Postal Ladies Organization were present on the occasion.