Kashmir alone in not J&K: Harshdev to EU team

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Oct 29: Former minister and chairman J&K National Panthers Party (NPP) Harshdev Singh said that an impression is being sought to be created around the world that J&K means Kashmir alone to the neglect to Jammu region. The visiting European Union team must understand that Kashmir alone is not J&K.
While interacting with the media-persons here today NPP leader said that Govt of India has arranged the visit of EU team to Kashmir only despite the reports in media that the said delegation was visiting J&K. No effort has been made either by BJP led Govt or the EU to address and assess the situation in Jammu region which continues to suffer in ignominy despite it harboring the principles of pluralism, non – violence and peaceful co-existence.
Mr Singh regretted that while the Parliamentarians of the European Union had planned to visit J&K, the BJP Govt had cleared their visit to Kashmir alone without using the opportunity to draw the world attention towards Jammu region. This could also have given a balanced view of the prevailing situation in J&K to the Western MPs besides providing an opening to Jammu which suffered neglect and inattention at the national as well as international level, Singh asserted.
He said that priority for EU delegation should have been the IB of Jammu where the life of border dwellers has become a hell due to war like situation created by Pakistan. No inference could be drawn without assessing the situation in both the regions of Kashmir as well as Jammu as one sided version would only lead to flawed, rather fatal conclusions. He regretted that the BJP which often parroted the neglect of Jammu while in opposition had become completely focused on Kashmir after its ascendance to power with Dogra land nowhere figuring either in its itinerary or its development and other socio-political agenda.
Accusing further the BJP of double standards, Singh said that selective permissions to delegations to visit J&K amounted to infringement of Constitutional propriety. He questioned the invitation to three Kashmir based leaders in New Delhi for holding interaction with European delegation without inviting even a single leader of Jammu to participate in the said meeting.