Consider these before buying a commode wheelchair

Many people face issues with their walking and their movements because of some significant injuries or other health issues. Not just that, even older people often find it difficult to walk and move. The commode wheelchair is a boon in disguise for such conditions. Not only they are quite unusual in getting them around in the washroom, but it also makes people more independent. With the lack of movement and dependency, many people often start hating going to the bathroom.

If you are thinking of purchasing a wheelchair for bathroom uses, there are a few factors that you do need to keep in mind. Let’s get them rolling, shall we?

Build and design 

When it comes to these kinds of wheelchairs, know that for the fact that they don’t come for cheap. The very first prospect that one needs to focus on is the build and the construction of the wheelchair. This might seem like nothing but does have significant benefits in helping around with the effectiveness of the price you are paying.

The last thing you want is to end up purchasing a wheelchair, which is unstable and rickety. This issue does get worse when you try to shift the person who needs to get them around on it. Getting a reliable and well-constructed piece ensures that you can move around without any accidents further.


Another factor that you need to keep in mind is to get the portable wheelchairs. Since they are meant for the bathroom usage only, you must get one which comes in varying sizes but also ensures to look around for the portability of the wheelchair. As you are going to use it just for the bathroom uses, you need one that can be folded up and kept aside.

Don’t get the dismantled ones because those won’t do you any good. Just assembling them is a pain altogether. Get the foldable ones for the best results. It should also be compact for even better transport and portability.


Last but not least is the material you are going to opt for. Since it is going to be used in the bathroom, the chances are that you will get water on it from time to time. Iron and metals that quickly rust should be avoided. Instead, opt for the ones that you can get in control of yourself. Some of the best options include aluminium, plastic or stainless steel. These materials stay well and don’t rust and are quite durable as well, which is a bonus. If you want it to last for a long time, these are some of the best options.

If you are struggling with deciding on what ground you need to buy the wheelchair for your bathroom requirements, these are some of the most important ones. Make sure that you follow through and keep it in the best of your mind.