PDD employees protest against unbundling order

PDD employees protesting in Srinagar on Saturday. -Excelsior/Shakeel
PDD employees protesting in Srinagar on Saturday. -Excelsior/Shakeel

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Nov 2: Employees of Power Development Department today staged protests against State Administrative Council’s order of unbundling of the department, asking the newly appointed Lieutenant Governor to cancel the same.
While staging protest demonstration within the office premises of the Chief Engineer, the employees said that the administration has played with their lives and that few people with vested interests were in the favor of privatizing the department.
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Talking to the media persons, Wasim Ahmad Jan, member Power Employees Coordination Committee said that the employees of the department categorically reject the Government’s move of pushing the department into the corporate and that the step will jeopardize the future of thousands of employees in J&K.
“Our protest is going to continue and at the same time we are appealing the LG to cancel that order that has been issued by the SAC so that the future of 31000 employees is saved, he said.
Another member of the Power Employees’ Coordination Committee, Umar Bhat said that there is no need of changing the department into a company as according to him, it will not help the department in any way.
“If the Government wants that the department should gain its glory and flourish, then it should take back its decision of privatizing it,” he said, adding that the employees whose future is at stake are asking the Government if their service rights were safe in the hands of the company which is now going to run the department.
The employees said that they will continue to press for their demands till Government comes up with a plan which will ensure the safety of the interests of the employees who have been working on ground for decades now.