Opposition frustrated, PRIs fully empowered: Sagar

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, May 12- Coming down heavily on the parties trying to create disillusionment among the masses, the Minister for Rural Development, Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Ali Mohammad Sagar today said that Government has ensured the empowerment of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and necessary orders have already been issued.
“We have ensured that the elections to the Panchayats are held and the necessary empowerment has already been done by vesting the powers to sarpanch to supervise the functioning of 14 vital departments and implementing in toto the recommendations of the committee headed by the Chief Secretary”, he maintained.
The Minister was addressing a gathering at Gatipora, Shopian. District Development Commissioner, Shopian M. S. Sood, Director Rural Development, Kashmir, Jehangir Mir, senior officers of district administration, Advocate Shabir Kulley and other prominent leaders were present.
Reiterating the Government’s commitment for ensuring vibrant Panchayati Raj in the State, the Minister said that the panchs and sarpanchs are being involved in the implementation of various flagship schemes like MGNREGA, IAY, SGSY, BRGF and instructions have already been passed involve them in formulation of various welfare schemes as well.
Asking the people not to pay heed to the propaganda and hollow sloganeering of certain parties, the Minister said that they have always resorted to these tactics and have always taken people for a ride. He said these parties have always resorted to divide the people on basis of region and other related things.
The Minister while referring to the Indo-Pak talks said that the people of sub-continent should understand that various vexed issues have been resolved through the medium of dialogue. He said that Indo-Pak peace is imperative for the development of the both countries besides solving their bilateral issues.
While responding to the demands of the locals, the Minister assured them that all their genuine demands would be redressed within the shortest possible time.
He asked the people to cooperate with the Government so that the developmental concerns of the area are taken care of.