Plea challenging odd-even scheme in SC, hearing on Friday

NEW DELHI, Nov 7: The Supreme Court will hear on Friday a plea against the Delhi Government’s odd-even road rationing scheme, alleging that it is arbitrary, contrary to statutory provisions and is nothing but a “political and vote bank gimmick”.
The petition, filed by a Noida-based advocate, has alleged that the Delhi Government’s November 1 notification on the scheme also violates fundamental rights.
“The odd-even vehicle scheme violates the fundamental rights of residents of Delhi and adjoining states who daily commute in/out of Delhi in their four wheeled vehicles to do their jobs/business to earn their livelihood and is ultra vires Article 19(1)(g) of the Constitution of India,” the plea said.
It alleged that the odd-even rule violates citizens’ rights to practice any profession, carry out any occupation, trade or business and to move freely throughout the country. Questioning the rationale behind the scheme, the plea claimed that three sources of data on Delhi’s air-quality, including those by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), have confirmed that in the past the odd-even rule did not lower pollution levels in the national capital.
“It shows that odd-even is nothing but a political and vote bank gimmick as it has been done capriciously in an unreasonable manner,” it said.
The odd-even scheme started on November 4 and would remain in force till November 15. Under the scheme, four-wheelers with registration numbers ending with odd digits will ply on odd dates and those ending with even digits will ply on even dates.
The petition said that the odd-even rule is only meant for four-wheelers whereas two wheelers, which cause more pollution in comparison to cars, have been kept out of its ambit.
The scheme also discriminates between men and women on the basis of gender, the plea claimed. Four-wheelers driven by women are exempted from the odd-even scheme, provided there are no men in the vehicle. “Odd-even is nothing but a political gimmick for self-promotion and advertisements in the smoke screen of curbing pollution,” it alleged. The plea also alleged that there seems to be a strong nexus between stubble-burning framers, political parties, air purifier companies and mask-making companies.
“The Delhi government is no Nostradamus (famous French astrologer). Then how come it knows well in advance when smoke from stubble burning will reach Delhi exactly around odd-even scheme dates,” it said. (PTI)