Touch Therapy cures many ailments

O.P Sharma, Manoj Kumar

Munish Sharma, an Acupressure Practitioner has pleaded for recognition of the therapy and setting up of a College for its training in Jammu and Kashmir.
In an exclusive interview, he stressed that this cost effective, simple and side-effect free Indian System of Alternate Medicines is now gaining popularity through word of mouth by those benefitted from it. He informed that acupressure cures common ailments without administering of any medicine into the body of the patient by just pressing certain points on the body.
Press Points
He said that this therapy is available in every part of the country as well as the world and more and more people are now becoming familiar with it.
Unique Experience
Giving details about his final choice for this profession as service to the society, Sharma said that pathetic condition of his bed-ridden mother motivated him to learn the Acupressure Techniques after a veteran in the field also suggested the same to him. He informed that after learning the basics of this therapy when he started curing his mother, she started showing fast recovery and ultimately became healthy. This success story further motivated him to move ahead after which he never looked behind.
An MA in Statistics from University of Jammu, Munish remembered his days in college where he had a passion for politics.
But as luck had something else in store for him, he started practising Acupressure after getting some formal training in the field to serve the society by providing relief to the patients at comparatively much low cost.
Answering to a question, he said that after qualifying the papers of Acupressure Therapy from Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine, Kolkata. He got registered in August and started his practice in Jammu. He was introduced into this profession by Amarjeet Singh under whose guidance he further learnt the art.
Talking about the therapy he said that it involves exertion of pressure at particular points in the hand or elsewhere in the body for relief to the patient. Regular and proper use of this therapy can cure many of the dreaded diseases.
Born on February 21, 1975 to Prof B.R Sharma and Sharda Sharma, a housewife at Jammu, Munish completed his school and college education in Jammu and afterwards did post-graduation in Statistic stream from Jammu University.
Public Awareness
He is now a name in the City of Temples with most of people recommending his name to their relatives in pain for relief.
Munish is practicing Acupressure at a clinic within his residence in Sarwal area of Jammu city.
Sharing his experiences he said that in the beginning he used to treat patients free of cost but subsequently started charging a very nominal amount while some poor are being treated free of cost by him.
“There were many challenges in the beginning as many people were not aware of this therapy and I had to spend time on them to tell them in detail about the therapy, its recognition and success stories,” he said with a sense of satisfaction glowing on his face.
He also counted the names of some bigwigs in the country including some politicians and bureaucrats whom he has cured. Still Munish feels that more public awareness should be created to benefit the patients.
Patients’ Satisfaction
One of his patients, Praveen Kumar, 59 of Mast Garh, Jammu narrated how he returned to normal health by the treatment of Munish as he was preparing for a surgery after his backbone was injured badly in an accident when someone suggested him to visit Munish’s clinic.
Munish shared his proud feeling for having joined this system of alternative medicines and rendering service to the ailing people through his hard and honest work.
(Starline Syndicate Service)