DSE reviews functioning of Education Deptt in Kargil

Excelsior Correspondent
KARGIL, Nov 9: Director School Education Ladakh Muhammad Mumtaz Ali convened a meeting to review the overall functioning of Education Department Kargil during a meeting of the concerned officers at Conference Hall Baroo here today.
Chief Education Officer Kargil Nazir Ahmad Wani, Deputy Chief Education Officer Sankoo Muhammad Mussa, Principal DIET Kargil Muhammad Ali Bhuttoo, Zonal Education Officers of different educational zones, Principals and Headmasters of Higher Secondaries and High Schools besides other concerned officers attended the meeting.
During the course of the meeting, the Director had detailed discussions with the officers about the problems being faced by Government schools. He instructed them to look into these issues and urged them to take effective measures to modernize schools and improve infrastructure so as to achieve tangible results on ground in terms of enhancement of enrolment and decline of drop out ratio.
The Director inquired in detail from the officers about the number of schools, enrollment of children, status of sanctioned and in position teaching staff, vacancy position of all categories of posts, option details of the employees for J&K UT and Ladakh UT as per the devised format, electricity, water and other necessary facilities in these schools, physical and financial status of works under Capex and Central Sponsored Schemes (CSS) besides other related issues.
Details of schools with enrollment less than 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 50 above and the status of deployment of teaching staff in these schools also came up for discussion.
The Director stressed the heads of the offices and institutions to take concrete measures to improve the quality of teaching in schools so that the quality of learning also gets better. He also called for revamping the system by making effective corrections at all levels so that the mandate of Right to Education is fulfilled in its true essence.
He also directed the ZEOs to personally monitor the status of teaching and learning in their respective zones at regular intervals so as to have on spot appraisal of the education system on ground.
The Director also emphasized the need of involving all stakeholders including parents and teachers in streamlining of this vital sector on which the onus of building a strong and developed nation lies.
He stressed upon the importance of regular and effective monitoring of functioning of the schools especially in rural and hilly areas for better outcome.