Higher education and social transformation

The two are interlinked as the one influences the other to bring about unexpected favourable results. In fact , the motto of education is to ‘Enter to learn and leave to serve’. Institutions of Higher Education do play superb role and must find more avenues and ways in helping in bringing about social and economic transformation in the society. Human development was the ultimate objective of education . President Ram Nath Kovind in each of the university convocation address lays great stress on how students and scholars could spread education, awareness in respect of basics of good and healthy living , helping villages and villagers, spreading messages of benefits of cleanliness and proper hygiene, vaccination and nutritious food to children. He was in Shillong recently addressing convocation of North East Hill Universities (NEHUs).
That making a departure from conventions and obsolete procedures, NEHUs had conferred D- Lit on Kamubhai Hasmukhbai tailor for helping in setting up of Disable Werlfare Trust of India and rendering yeoman’s services to specially abled persons. In fact, social transformation activities should also include educating people about inculcating in their children spirit of patriotism, honesty, adopting peaceful means in getting grievances redressed and never getting motivated to join ranks of outlawed or terrorists. That the University had made lot of efforts in promoting employability and self employment impressed the President most who advised such efforts to be vastly encouraged.