Adults and Ambitions

Kuldip Khajuria
One of the upanishads, the Isavasya, even recommends that one full span of life must be spent in socially useful activity.
So if our Adults entertain desires and ambitions, it is but natural phenomenon. On the other hand, if they do not, there is something wrong with them!
But then, there are ambitions and ambitions. There are small ambitions and there are big ones. Both have their place in life, for e.g. even as a tiny bolt and a big shaft have their place in a Big machine.
Let us see what ambitions an average youth normally desire in his public life. Good personality and fulfilling one’s ambitions, for getting the pride of place. He-and ‘he’ includes ‘she’ also-wants therefore good health, strength, energy and stamina. And of course, he wants to appear handsome, as God-given features and man-made aids to beauty can permit, and wants good education, an education that helps him not only to earn comfortable livelihood, but also live a decent life in the society. And above all, he does want to achieve something worthwhile in life, especially in his field work.
Physical beauty the second aspect of Adults/youth’s ambitions. Adults are particularly self-conscious about their physical appearance. They want to look smart, handsome and attractive. And, the entire cosmetics market is at their ‘service’, everyday to ‘help’ them, if only they have enough money to spend. But they should note one thing, that a peaceful face with a pleasant smile is their best cosmetic. Face being the index of the mind can never be peaceful or pleasant unless the mind is at peace or is joyous. So we see that, even for achieving physical beauty, it is necessary to keep mind at peace and rest.
Second aspect: A good education. Tendency towards a bread winning education or getting a paper-degree is rarest amongst the youth/adults in the field of education, but the adults can do respond well, when they are given the right direction. Any education worth the name should not only give them competence in any profession, but also equip them with wisdom, efficiency, culture and sound value-system. Moreover mind culture is the supreme importance in education. Hence the adults and youth should really thirst for knowledge as is signified by the word vidyarathi (one who is hankering for knowledge)
As for obtaining wisdom and imbibing culture as also a value-system, the best means, are the holy books and ideal teachers and leaders. A relevant study of these books and the lives of the great ones will make adults/youth not only wise but also inspired. A wise man often learns from the faults of fools. Since learning is a continuing process, and a true student never stops learning. Every adult/youth desire to achieve some-thing worthwhile in life, especially in his field of work, But the basis of this all is proper planning and hard work. No doubt, an element of luck or God’s grace is also necessary in the ultimate success on one’s endeavors. But without them success can never come. God help him who helps himself. We are responsible for what we are. We get what we deserve no matter good or bad. Everything we get is our own making. None is to be blamed for our misery or troubles. For achieving your ambition we should watch over what we do and how much extent in our daily routine.
The Gita (18.14) says that “diavam plays an important role in achieving any ambition of life”.
Hard work assumes will-power, and Mind which has great power. Prayer mediation on God or repetition of the divine name cleanse the mind, which enabling us to achieve great things in the life moreover, Character and Discipline is the key, to achieve the ambition in any walk of life. No Ambition is possible without discipline. Simplicity, humanity and service of the teacher are the essential pre-conditions for a smooth and successful course of ambition.
So anyone who is cherishing great ambition in life, especially the adults/youth, should pay the maximum attention to mind culture.
‘If you mind your mind, the mind in turn will mind you’!- is a good maxim that confers maximum benefits is life.
(The author is the Devotee of Rama Krishna-Mission Center, Jammu)