Pak, subversives trying to debunk Modi Govt’s measures in JK: PK

PK leaders at a press conference in Jammu on Sunday.
PK leaders at a press conference in Jammu on Sunday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 17: Taking serious exception to activation of Hindu fifth column in Jammu and Kashmir jointly by Pakistan, separatist establishment and subversive groups to defame and debunk the measures of neutralizing the abrogation of 370 , 35 A and reorganization of J&K into two Union Territories, Panun Kashmir (PK) today said that the State support to the separatists elements should stop forthwith.

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There are still elements in the State apparatus helping the separatists and these elements received patronage during the Indo -Pak peace engagement despite the declaration of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi that talks and terror will not go together, PK, chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo told reporters here, today.
He said, while Government of India (GoI) might have been preparing the UT administration for neutralization of 370 and reorganization of the State, the elements within Government encouraged meetings with Hurriyat to solicit their support to return of Hindus to Kashmir. “It is unfortunate that even functionaries of BJP and Government gave them audiences which means that elements within BJP-RSS Parivaar are also for one reason or the other undermining the measures taken by Narendra Modi in J&K which is a serious issue”, he added.
Condemning some elements within community whom he called “victim collaborators”, Dr Chrungoo said the role of Mona Bhan,Kapil Kak, Dr Sameer Koul, Nidhi Razdan, Nitasha Koul and artist M K Raina is totally unfortunate.
Dr Chrungoo said the group which had been earlier harnessed to promote Mushraf formula has now been activated to foil Narendra Modi’s JK policy. This group has already started acting in an integrated manner in US, Europe and India, he added.
Maintaining that PK is aware about the role of this anti national lobby, he said KPs involved in it have been acting as victim collaborators for quite some time giving credence to Jihadi separatist propaganda. The reluctance of GoI to recognize the genocide inflicted on Hindus of Kashmir is allowing space and legitimacy to Jihadi separatists’ sympathizers to masquerade as defenders of freedom and human rights, he added.
Dr Ajay said “ Jihadi establishment is in search of Hindu faces to give cosmetic secular facelift to a regressive Islamist separatist movement,. The faces are the same who used to promote concepts of porous border, shared sovereignty and acting as frontline agents of denial of Hindu genocide in Kashmir”, he added.
He demanded that nexus between Pakistan, separatists in J&K and those who supported a half separatist JK policy based on Constitutional recognition of Muslim communal separatism needs to be taken seriously and dealt with sternly and effectively and Governmental apparatus support to their activities should be denied.
Dr Chrungoo was flanked by Bihari Lal Koul, secretary (Org), PK, D K Koul its vice chairman, P N Raina and S K Sher.