Like minded groups should join hands for community cause: PK

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 18: Panun Kashmir (PK) held a meeting of its Political Affairs Committee (PAC) here, today. The meeting was presided over by Virender Raina, president-PK and was among others attended by Prof. M. L Raina, its advisor, Upinder Kaul, general secretary, Kamal Bagati, general. secretary. (Org.), Pramod Durani, Ashok Chrungoo and Sameer Bhat, convener-Panun Kashmir Youth.
The meeting took stock of the socio-political scenario and decided to organise the “28th Anniversary of Margdarshan Resolution” on December 28, 2019 at Jammu.
Prof. M.L.Raina in his speech appreciated the role of the KP diaspora and said that they have been contributing to the struggle in exile of the displaced community in an inspiring manner. The struggle of the Pandits has been taken by them to newer platforms with emphasis on the full integration of the State with the rest of India. It is always a welcome move to strengthen the Indian cause in a foreign land by citing the case of the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the displaced community and bringing to lime light the atrocities of Pakistan in Kashmir.
Kamal Bagati in his address explained the need of Panun Kashmir to join hands with the like minded groups to highlight the cause of Kashmir and Kashmiri Pandits. He said that Panun Kashmir would extend its help to the ensuing Global Hindu Conference in Kashmir in the year 2020 and would make it sure that the important people in J&K participate in it. He also appealed to the youth and women activists to gear up for the role in this context.
Virender Raina said that post scrapping of Article 370 scenario has brought it to the fore that a number of political myths were circulated over the last seven decades in the Jammu and Kashmir at the cost of the welfare of the people. Those myths have started evaporating while people have realised their futility. One such myth that “Article 370 was a bridge” has since collapsed. Next, some vested interests in J&K have been trying to create confusion regarding the new political realities since August this year. The Kashmiri Pandit community rejects all such attempts and stands as a rock behind the new political scenario which has integrated fully Jammu & Kashmir with the rest of India on a permanent basis, he added.