What precludes PG courses’ start at GDC ?

If there is any major hitch that prevents starting of .post graduate courses at Indira Gandhi Dental College and Hospital Jammu except the formality of the inspection of and subsequent approval from Dental Council of India , the same would have been in order to let the candidates know . Besides what is the reason for the administration in having such inspection conducted so that the courses could be started in the right earnest. Is it not a blatant injustice with the candidates from Jammu who would have been happy in preferring to pursue their studies at their native place itself but because of the indifferent attitude and response to the subject matter by the administration , they feel having been subjected to sheer injustice.
It is really a hard nut to crack to ascertain the reasons for the proposal conceived three years back and the first batch slated to getting admission in 2018 , the position , however, as on date is that even 2019 is hurrying towards its passing over in silence without any development having taken place. At least the aspiring but worried candidates should have been assuaged and taken into confidence about the likely date when pending formalities would be completed to pave the way for starting the courses.