KPs for one place settlement in Valley

Founder KHF addressing an interactive session at Jammu on Thursday.
Founder KHF addressing an interactive session at Jammu on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Nov 21: Making it clear that their return and rehabilitation is not practicable at their original places in Valley after the majority community in Kashmir rejected the pluralism and composite culture and forcing the minority Pandits -the indigenous people of the Valley having over a 5000 year old rich culture and history, to leave, the displaced Kashmiri Pandits in one voice today reiterated their demand of one place settlement in Valley.
The demand was made during an interactive session organized by Kashmiri Hindu Foundation (KHF) a US based organization of displaced Pandits here this afternoon. The representatives of various KP organizations including All India Kashmiri Samaj (AIKS), Sampooran Kashmiri Sangthan (SKS), Vomedh Theatre Group, Harmony India, Thinkers Forum, Vichar Manch, All Parties Migrant Coordination Committee (APMCC) All India Migrant Camp Coordination Committee (AIMCCC) etc participated in the meet.
The community will not budge an inch from its oft repeated stand on one place settlement in Valley by carving out a new city with Union Territory Status was the unanimous opinion of speakers during the interactive session so that the community will have a sense of security and safety there. They made it clear to Union Government that KPs don’t want to return to be forced to migrate again and the Government should ensure their return and retention. They demanded that Kashmiri Pandits be declared victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing, steps be taken for reversal of genocide and punishing of all the forces responsible for ethnic cleansing and genocide of the community who are moving scot free in the Valley.
They further demanded restoration of encroached property of the community in Valley with passage of much talked about Kashmiri Hindu Shrines and Temples Bill, taking steps for employment generation of the community in Valley through tourism and technology besides the political empowerment of the community.
The interactive session was chaired by Deepak Ganjoo, founder president of KHF while the Veer Khar a socio political activist and KP representative from Newzeland was special invitee. Khar in his speech warned those KP activists who advocate for holding dialogue with Hurriyat leaders including Syed Ali Shah Geelani and often visit to meet them at their residences.
He in unequivocal terms said that separatists were responsible for the ethnic cleansing and genocide of KPs and the community should stick to its demand strongly instead of being apologetic to any one.
Deepak Ganjoo in his address, while welcoming the abrogation of Article 370 said that a new hope has been generated among the community scattered all over the world with this decision. He said some provisions of Article were modified and under these circumstances the community response is needed that how it will return to its motherland in a proper way.
He said there was hue and cry across the world on abrogation of Article 370 and 35 -A and some termed it Muslims genocide while no one talked about the KPs genocide over the years.
Those who spoke included Bharti Koul from Mumbai, A K Raina vice president AIKS, Heera Lal Bhat a social activist, Rakesh Kaul president SKS and councilor Mattan, King C Bharti of APMCC, Aryan Ramesh of AIKS, Opinder Ambardar, S K Handoo, a socio political acti-vist, Opinder Handoo of KHF, Nana Ji Raina ex Sarpanch and socio -political activist, Think-ers Forum president, Kuldeep Pandita and its senior leader, Com Mohan Lal, Saurabh Zadoo of Harmony India, B L Deep of Vichar Manch, Asha Ji, Dr Kichloo, Pintoo Ji a socio political activist, and member Vishaw Kashmiri Samaj. Rohit Bhat and Dazy Bhat of Vomedh, Neetu Dhar of AMCCC.
The stage was managed by Bindya Tickoo.